10 September Tuesday

Brazil Plane Crash Kills All 61 On Board

Web DeskUpdated: Saturday Aug 10, 2024

A Brazilian plane with 61 people including the crew crashed outside Sao Paulo Friday afternoon leaving no survivors.

Footage circulating on social media shows its burning fuselage lying on the ground.  All deceased passengers were Brazilian citizens however it is unclear if there might be some with dual citizenship.

The plane, ATR 72-500 dropped 17,000 feet in a minute’s time, the cause of which remains unclear at this point.

Certain social media videos showed the plane spiralling out of the sky before hitting the ground as the neighbourhood below panicked. No one on the ground was hurt, city officials said.

The ill-fated plane was en route to Guarihos in Sao Paulo state, when it lost contact with the control room shortly before 1:30 pm local time. Then a minute it dropped and hit the ground.

Authorities say said they are  deciphering  two black boxes recovered from the rubble to know what happened. The data interpreted at laboratory  so far show the pilots did not ask for help or inform the control tower. Even so the whole picture as to why the crash occured is yet to be determined.

Black box is a  device that stores flight data and is built to survive crashes. This plane had two.
