20 September Friday

Indian “Hero” Victim Warned Co-workers To Hide, Stay Safe During Mass Shooting in California

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Friday May 28, 2021

Image: Atlanta Journal Constitution

A disgruntled employee at California rail yard killed nine co-workers before taking his own life. The shootings appeared premeditated and a hero victim who warned likely targets to stay safe even as he lay dying on the floor was an Indian, Taptejdeep Singh.

The incident took place on Wednesday at Valley Transportation Authority(VTA)  in the heart of silicon valley. The shooter, Sam Cassidy, arrived at VTA around the time of morning shift change  To an union official at the building, he said “I am going to shoot you”, before  gunning him down. Cassidy bypassed those around and proceeded to shoot only what appeared to be targeted individuals he had in mind. As he walked to the 2nd building to shoot more people, Taptejdeep Singh, who was profusely bleeding, called up a couple of co-workers asking them to hide and  get out of Cassidy’s path who was heading for them.  Singh died a short while after before medical help arrived.  

Karman Singh told reporters at the scene that his older brother had “a lion’s heart”.  An evening vigil that drew 1000 people was held at City Hall where, Karman Singh said his brother “died fighting for others, and trying to save his community, his VTA community.”

Meanwhile authorities in California said the gunman, Cassidy, had a hatred for his workplace which he expressed in notes discovered when he was searched almost five years ago by the  Security Department. He was at that time taken for a secondary inspection after returning from a trip to the Philippines in 2016.

Cassidy is said to have anger issues dating back at least a decade. His ex-wife whom he divorced 13 years ago said, he would speak of attacking the workplace but didn’t expect him to do good on that rage.

On the morning of shooting, Cassidy arrived with a duffel bag containing three pistols and 32 high-capacity magazines. The magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are illegal to possess in California. Cassidy later fired 39 bullets in all.
