19 September Thursday

Hate Crime: Landlord Stabs 6-year-old Palestinian Boy To Death In U.S.

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Monday Oct 16, 2023

Assailant Joseph Czuba

Chicago : A 71-year-old man in Illinois stabbed a 6-year-old Palestine-American boy and his mother for being Muslims. The child, Wadea Al-Fayoume,  succumbed to the stabs while the 32-year-old woman lived and pointed her landlord as the attacker  to police.

According to the woman, when she opened the door the property  owner attempted to first choke her and then stabbed her with the knife, yelling “You Muslims must die.”  She ran into the bathroom and dialed police and on emerging found that he had stabbed her son. Both were stabbed a dozen times each.

The child was transported to local hospital by responding officers and was pronounced dead on arrival. The woman remains at the hospital in critical condition. Joe biden said he was “shocked and sickened” by the attack. The killer, Joseph Czuba, remains under arrest.
