23 December Monday

Oman announces job reliefs: No fine for expats leaving country; Employees can freely switch jobs

Anas YassinUpdated: Thursday Sep 24, 2020

Manama: Expats in Oman have the opportunity to leave the country without paying the fines they have accumulated during their stay, the ministry of labour announced on Wednesday.

The new regulation will be available until the end of this year, the ministry added. It will be available to expats who cancel their visa and depart the country permanently.

The ministry announced an exemption from fees and fines resulting from work permits for non-Omani manpower.

The ministry has given permission to private sector establishments to terminate foreign workforce contracts. But in this condition, these institutions commit to pay all workers’ dues and they leave the Sultanate permanently.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Labour announced a series of relief packages on Wednesday following directives from the Supreme Committee for dealing with COVID-19 in the country.

The ministry reduced the fees for renewal of expat work permits from OMR 301 to OMR 201 until the end of December 2020.

Expired licenses of companies with an Omani workforce, as well as for small and medium enterprises registered with the Public Authority for Social Insurance will be allowed to renew, said the Ministry.

Work permits for temporary or part-time employers can also be approved. The costs of work permits to be calculated on the basis of the number of workers the company wishes to bring, it said.

Employees in the private sector can move between one companies to another, should their services be required.

Private sector companies can seek assistance of workers in other establishments to work in their facilities, provided a written agreement is signed between the employers, ministry said in a statement.

Multiple companies owned by the same partners may delegate their employees to work in any of those establishments when necessary, statement added. 
