20 September Friday
The consulate had shuttered way before Taliban's complete takeover

Taliban Carries Out Inspection of Indian Consulate In Kandahar; Steal Cars While Leaving

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Friday Aug 20, 2021

Kandahar :  Taliban conducted search of Indian Consulate that lay locked  up in Kandahar and stole cars from premises on their way back. They were mostly sifting  through documents stored inside the Consulate, That done, they cherry-picked cars from the parking lot and drove some away. Taliban troops are scouring Kabul looking for people who served the country’s secret intelligence agency – the National Directorate of Security.  They did a  door-to-door search hoping to  come upon any such staff.

Apart from its embassy in Kabul, India had four consulates functioning in Afghanistan. Consulates other than in Kabul included those located in Kandahar, Hairath and Mazar-e-Sherfil. The consulate had shuttered well before Taliban’s complete takeover.
